Hindu Makkal Katchi is a nationalist Hindu party in the Indian state Tamil Nadu, has requested a ban on the Tamil version of the popular reality show Bigg Boss and also wanted to be arrested the actor Kamal Haasan to host the show. They claim the show against the Tamil culture.
Complaint petition was filed in Chennai Police Commission office to withdraw Kamal Haasan's arrest and all fifteen participants from the Bigg Boss show were aired on Vijay Tv.
Arrest Kamal Haasan, Ban Bigg Boss Tamil, Right-Wing Group Tells Police.
Hindu Makkal Katchi has targeted Kamal Haasan who is hosting Bigg Boss Tamil. |
The Bigg Boss program in Vijay TV destroys any other show on TV to confuse the Indian culture and the Tamil traditions, not with slimy clothes and with scratches too Know social values ??and threaten our culture.
kamal haasan vs Hindu Makkal Katchi
"We are in times when television is accessible from children to older, and these types of programs are a threat to our society. Even respectable Tamil anthem was subjected to shame in the show, and the participants mocked. These seriously wounded the feelings of seven crore Tamilians.
The host Kamal Hassan and participant Namitha, Oviya, Gayathri Raguran, Julie, Raiza, Haarathi, Vayyapuri, Shakthi, Ganja Karuppu, Aarav, Snehan, Bharani, and Ganesh Venkatraaman should be immediately arrested and I seek legal action from the police. The reality show should be banned immediately to save the Tamil culture and values, "read the letter to the police commissioner.
Bigg boss Tamil headlines made since the announcement of the show. The show, which went on Star Vijay on June 25, the TV debut marks of Kamal Haasan.
Bigg boss Tamil headlines made since the announcement of the show. The show, which went on Star Vijay on June 25, the TV debut marks of Kamal Haasan.
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